10 thoughts on “How To Present On-Demand Streaming Films From AWS (Assemble Your Possess Netflix)”

  1. The video was bang on target, the only thing which was missing was a final slide with all the services with their cost implications, you did mentioned for elastic encoder and media convert but i would love to know the overall cost along with storage,lambda function, cloudfront for suppose X number of videos having X length.
    Thank you for the video!

  2. Thank so you for high level and also detailed video. For a starter like me, I was really curious about how aws architecture worknwoyh each other and I am working on vidoe streaming. This is a great article to help me to start with. Knowing that your vidoe article is there for my rescue.
    One feedback on voice….there is a lot of fillers like "aah hmm" it become quite irritating when you listen the vidoe for the long time.

  3. Thanks for doing this video. I noticed you used a subdomain in this example video. I have doubts if I should use a subdomain to host the videos, and then have a main page (dot-com) domain for the main website (obviously a dot-com domain would be linking to the subdomain where the videos would be stored) – do you think this is a better option? Thank you again.

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