11 thoughts on “Live streaming film: ffmpeg through Node.js to HTML5”

  1. Hello ! I've noticed that the browser side receives and keeps the entire length of the video file that is streamed to it. Is there any way to garbage collect or delete the "played" portion of the video ? Thank you ! 

  2. I just got my morning coffee, productivity is at 150%! 🙂
    Tried changing everything to webm instead of mp4. Works. Also updated the blog. Thanks again for discovering this 🙂

  3. I wanted to use mp4 first but that didn't work out for me. So I changed the ffmpeg settings and didn't update the rest for some reason. Thanks for commenting on this. I should change everything to webm.

    Why this works I'm not sure. Maybe ffmpeg ignores the webm flag, or maybe chrome is smart enough to guess what kind of video this is.

  4. Hi, I would like to ask about the options that you appended to the ffmpeg application when u spawn it on your server. The file format that you have opted in ffmpeg was webM but file and header settings that you piped out was in mp4. Is that allowed and how does that work out? Thank you. Couldn't post it on your blog

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