In this online video I show you the best ways to live stream with your raspberry pi digicam to your Windows Laptop computer in excess of a neighboring area neighborhood utilizing GStreamer. The stream will work Extremely completely. I might stream exceptional meaning video with about.2 s latency. You can likewise utilize this approach with Mac OS X or Ubuntu however the established is distinct.

House windows batch script:.
@echo off.
cd C: gstreamer1.0 x86 _64 bin.
gst-launch-1. -e -v udpsrc port =-LRB- *****************)! software/x-rtp, payload =-LRB- ***************************)! rtpjitterbuffer! rtph264 depay! avdec_h264! fpsdisplaysink sync= fake text-overlay= phony.

Raspberry Pi Celebration Script:.
#!/ bin/bash.
crystal clear.
raspivid -n -t -rot 270 -w 960 -h 720 -fps 30 -b 6000000 -o -|gst-launch-1. -e -vvvv fdsrc! h264 parse! rtph264 pay out pt =-LRB- ***************************) config-interval= 5! udpsink host= *** YOUR_Personal computer_IP *** port =-LRB- *****************).

Music from

Here are some 3rd event blog sites with similar setup instructions:. windows-7.html


32 thoughts on “Live Streaming Raspberry Pi Digicam to House windows Computer system”

  1. What do you make of this:
    gst-launch-1.0 -v udpsrc port=9000 caps="application/x-rtp, media=(string)video, clock-rate=(int)90000, encoding-name=(string)H264" ! rtph264depay ! avdec_h264 ! videoconvert ! autovideosink sync=f
    I can't get it to work.
    Using Emlid Navio2 with Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and the instructions are a clear as mud.

  2. I have hopefully installed all of your tutorial but at the end I get an error message on W7:
    error: pipeline could not be constructed: syntax error
    command "application" is written wrong or does not exist
    same for "rtph264depay" and "sync"

     can you please give me hints what is missing or wrong.
    Thanks Gerd

  3. thanks. this is a great tutorial. It was really easy to follow. I am getting a lag of almost 200ms in resulting video. Does anyone know how to reduce this? Am using rpi 3, rpi camera 2.0 and wifi for streaming.

  4. You are so awesome. Your generation is IoT ready. Im an IT professional and working for enterprise companies since 1999. I was amongst the first people working on the internet. I thought my kids will have a dad that is miles ahead of them for many years. Now our 12yo son is following your videos. Your video is outstanding and perfect. For an adult. For a youth this is awesome^2. Thanks for the great work. Greetings from hamburg, germany.

  5. which ip should i put in YOURPCIP is it the ip address of my wifi with which my laptop is connected or is it the ip of wifi with which pi is connected

    – via YTPak(.com)

  6. Hi Brynlea and others,

    Great video. GStreamer is, I believe, one of the few ways to get a really smooth video stream from your Raspberry Pi camera! When following the instructions of this video, I ran into some problems. Some of them were already discussed here. I managed to get it to work in the end. Here's how it went for me:

    sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
    {add to file:} deb . main {after this go back to shell}
    sudo apt-get update      {I think here i ran into trouble because I needed a key}
    gpg –recv-keys 0C667A3E {}
    gpg -a –export 0C667A3E | sudo apt-key add –    {gave error, so I tried it again}
    gpg –recv-keys 0C667A3E {now it worked strangely…}
    gpg -a –export 0C667A3E | sudo apt-key add –

    sudo apt-get update  {now it works!}

    sudo apt-get install gstreamer1.0       {gave error}
    sudo apt-get install gstreamer1.0-tools gstreamer1.0-plugins-base gstreamer1.0-plugins-good gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly -y {now works!}

    For installation on windows PC:
    installed gstreamer-1.0-x86_64-1.4.5.msi
    It is CRUCIAL to SPECIFCALLY install the full version (complete) otherwise you get an error saying that "avdec_h264" is not recognized! It installed, for me, in D:gstreamer (couldnt chose because I didnt do a custom installation)

    In raspberry pi script: make sure you type in the correct IP adress of the computer you want to send the stream to!
    In windows script: make sure to get the right installation directory of Gstreamer!

  7. Hello, nice and clear video. You wouldn't happen to know why my windows bat file says 'gst-launch-1.0' is not recognized as an internal or external command, would you? I did instal the gstreamer 1.0 properly and can see the directory and all so I'm a bit confused 😀

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