21 thoughts on “Realizing On-line video Streaming”

  1. Thank you Sir. You have successed in "Educating me Today" . . . But what does FLV ? and can I assume RTFP = "Remote Transfer File Protocol" . . ? please excuse me if Im way off ???
    Kind Regards

  2. जरुरत है 100 से 200 लड़के और लड़कियों की जो मोबाइल पर बहुत समय बिताते हे उनके लिए सुनहरा मौका है पैसे कमाने का जिसमे add देख कर vedio देख कर और app install करके लाखो कमा सकते हो।play store से champcash app download करे। sign up करे। id type kare 8393497.उसके बाद आपको 8 app download करने हे और आपकी joining हो जायेगी उसके बाद आपको बताया जायेगा कैसे काम करना है।ये सब free of cost हे।

  3. Thank you for posting this. I actually had to look around for awhile before finding a better explanation besides "downloading downloads the file and streaming streams it".

    Just one question – are those "puzzle pieces" at any time stored on your computer or is it deleted once you close the file? Sometimes it seems when you reopen a youtube video a second time it loads faster lending itself to to the fact that data is stored.

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