ExoPlayer is a newly open sourced media individual established on Android’s little degree media APIs. It supports Dash and SmoothStreaming adaptive playback, and is utilized by Google’s YouTube and Participate in Films functions. This go over talks about the style and design of ExoPlayer, its usage of Android’s low quantity media APIs, and how you can utilize, extend and individualize ExoPlayer in your individual online video applications.


19 thoughts on “ExoPlayer: Adaptive video streaming on Android”

  1. You saying that we can use CacheDataSource to cache DASH videos. At the same time there is an open issue (420) that says that caching DASH videos are not imlemented. Can you elaborate on that?

  2. Hi Oliver, Thank you very much for the EXO Player & your Video.
    We are trying to use this player for our online Radio Station. The original Library has the best playing capability & plays instantly when stopped or played back. But using this one in the internet Radio app, the challenge occurs while I am travelling & the network is lost on the go!
    So in the initially used FFMPEG player we have done some caching of upto 2 minutes in the player it selves in our internet radio. This allows the player to keep sourcing for the new data & the player never stop even when the data lost for few minutes in case of unstable network.

    But we are trying our best to do the Same thing in ExoPlayer. We got the success too. The caching is happening unto 2 minutes, but some times the player does create issues like taking too long for the to fire up playing.

    Can you please help me if any ready made code with caching is available that I can use in my Android Radio App.
    I shall be great full if you can reply me sooner, since we are struggling on the same since very long.

  3. The description doesn't say anything about HLS. Some resources say HLS is supported natively since Android 3 ("limited support" and less limited since Android 4.0), but from experience I have seen many problems with HLS on Android (even on Lollipop where the streaming just stops). Does anyone know if using ExoPlayer will improve on HLS for a whole range of Android versions?

  4. The standard Android player does not allow you to consume streaming media over https, correct?  Would this be possible with ExoPlayer? If so, could you give me a general idea of difficulty level? 

  5. I see that ExoPlayer does not support HLS. Would it be possible to make an MP2TS chunk source if the demuxing was done entirely in Java? For live content, how is clock synchronization with the broadcaster clock done in MediaCodec/Renderer – what APIs are used to make de decoderer/renderer adhere to a specific clock and how the clock control algorithm implemented?

  6. When Google say DASH, they seems to be talking specifically about the fMP4 version, not the MPEG2TS version. Now I wonder why HLS lack behind so much with support stuck in version 3 of the protocol.
    It is great to see an open source implementation of a DASH player, but the best would be browser integration so that something can be available in normal web page without the need for a specific app.

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